Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tracy Anderson Results - Accounts from the Front Line

Tracy Anderson Results - Detailed accounts from the front line are always more interesting to me than the brief reviews you tend to find via online retailers.

I don't know about you, but I love reading real life accounts - whether they be success stories or failures about the diets or workout plans I'm thinking of doing. I think when you read about normal people who describe their normal diet and lifestyles, making the changes and what challenges and results they faced - it is motivating. Or, if the results aren't what I had in mind, I know it's something to stay away from.

Different from sales pitch or endorsement type reviews which are common, these journalistic type reviews are the ones that always "get me" and help me to make my decision. I gave my review of the Tracy Anderson Method and her videos in past posts. I think it's easy for most reviewers to be either really evangelical because they are excited about something or really negative if it didn't work for them. Sometimes, the reviewers don't give the details, the whys, or any detail that would make me think we are similar. I am a fan of the method so my reviews lead toward the evangelical although I try to note all of the negatives I see which each of the Tracy Anderson DVDs, webisodes or books. For example, I find it really frustrating that in the webisodes and the DVD that comes with the 30-Day Method book - Tracy doesn't do a full set of reps on each side so you have to rewind or count out repetitions yourself without music rather than completing a full set of 40 reps and then moving on.

With reviews in general, it's definitely more helpful when you know a person has a similar body type to you, wants the same sort of physique that you want or faces similar challenges or has similar eating habits to you. Then, if it doesn't work for them, you know you may want to consider something else.

That said, when I read these accounts, I don't have to be similar to the person in the account - I just have to "get it" - I want to understand what worked, what didn't, and why. Maybe something that challenges them isn't a problem for me so it would suit me better. 

Here, I wanted to link to a few of these accounts or reviews of people's experience with the Tracy Anderson Method in hopes that they may be as interesting, if not helpful to you as they were to me..

First of course, if you haven't - I hope you'll read my review of the Mat Workout DVD HERE. I also reviewed the arm webisode and you can see my take on that, click Tracy Anderson Arm Webisode Review - I also currently have a link to the Arm webisode that is free. I'll keep the free arm webisode up there as long as I can. 

I came across this journalist style account which I liked because the author seemed a bit skeptical but was willing to try it and really went for it. It was interesting to me to read about her results and then her conclusion about the whole thing:

This one is a review of the dance cardio DVD that I thought was super thorough and impressive. Her opinion differs from mine on the DVD but it's definitely worth a read: Click Here

If you want to purchase the Tracy Anderson Mat Workout DVD which is my favorite for the arm workout section alone - you may do so here:  The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Mat Workout DVD
Hope you find these helpful. Feel free to leave comments about your own experiences and Tracy Anderson Results!

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